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Howdy! My name is Gracie Lewis, I am a senior marketing major from the little town of Sour Lake, Texas; seriously it's small, it only has one stop light. Some things I enjoy doing are playing tennis, doing yoga, and loving on my dwarf hamster- Hammy!

I was originally an Accounting major, but switched to Marketing because I realized I wanted something more creative; I love the freedom that comes along with marketing. As of now, I am seeking a job in Account Planning; this career really speaks to me because of how inclusive it is. I consider myself to be analytical and creative at the same time; I believe these attributes could undeniably assist me with planning based off the research I've done concerning Account Planning.

Growing up, my father would always ask me thought-sparking questions like "If a glass is bottom side up, is it upside down?" My answer would be no, the side that is up is always the 'up side'. I believe it was these explorative questions that has made me who I am today; I am curious by nature and nurture. I always want to know why things work the way the do and how certain scenarios affect people personally.

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